Next strategic planning open forum set for Friday

<p>Ball State President Geoffrey Mearns gives a speech on Sept. 8 at the Installation of Geoffrey S. Mearns in John R. Emens Auditorium. Mearns is the 17th President of Ball State University. <strong>Kaiti Sullivan, DN</strong></p>

Ball State President Geoffrey Mearns gives a speech on Sept. 8 at the Installation of Geoffrey S. Mearns in John R. Emens Auditorium. Mearns is the 17th President of Ball State University. Kaiti Sullivan, DN

The next strategic planning forum, led by President Geoffrey S. Mearns, will take place from 10:30 a.m. to noon Friday in L.A. Pittenger Student Center, Cardinal Hall B. 

Students and faculty are encouraged to give their input on how the university can focus on student success in the coming years. 

During this forum, attendees will participate in a free-writing exercise in which they will explore their own thoughts about successful or impactful teaching techniques, tools and strategies.  After, writers will share their ideas with colleagues. 

These forums are put on by The Strategic Planning Committee, which seeks to engage Ball State community members in the 2018 strategic planning process. 
