By Tanner Kinney It’s been two weeks since the last article, mostly because I unintentionally skipped over the semi-finals matches. So, let me just sum them up here: Echo Fox are memes and Clutch Gaming don’t know how to play around Baron. The two teams that moved onto the final match were Team Liquid and 100 Thieves. For 100 Thieves, it was their freshman split, and they were already fighting for the title. For Team Liquid, they were fighting for their first title victory in their entire history in the LCS, which is as long and storied as TSM and CLG. Former teammates were battling each other for a shot at the LCS banner and Spring Split trophy. It was truly a highly anticipated match-up. So, of course, it was over in three games. The entirety of game five between Clutch and 100 Thieves almost lasted as long as the whole series. Life is full of disappointments. Massive, terrible disappointments. Like Clutch Gaming, and the ADC meta, and Zven and Mithy’s botlane duo. So how did this final shake out, and who secured the coveted third place award of almost greatness? Let’s go over the games.
Echo Fox and Clutch Gaming both return to form
Image from Reddit
Had a fun time in Miami despite our series loss; as a team i think it was a good run for our first split together. Now i got all this free time to watch anime :^)
— Nick Surgent (@CG_Hakuho) April 10, 2018
Let’s Go Liquid (Earned by Steve)
four times, three teams 🏆🙂
— Yiliang Peng (@TLDoublelift) April 9, 2018
To all my twitch followers and YouTube subscribers:
I’m officially back from Miami. I have a few meetings at the Rocket Mortgage Team House this morning and then after, we stream and play Fortnite until our hearts content. I can’t wait, see you soon. — 100T Nadeshot (@Nadeshot) April 10, 2018
Pizza Delivery Sivir 🍕🍕🍕 Photos by @estherlynnhhj
— Zach Scuderi (@Sneaky) April 11, 2018