My America

The United States has become a world power since its conception, but its citizens’ patriotism can sometimes verge on exceptionalism.

The flag hangs correctly on the flagpole in the yard. It’s not touching the ground, the staff is angled just right, and the screws are tightened to keep the staff in place.

Andrew Sartin is excited. This would be the first year he would be able to explain to his 5-year-old son and 4-year-old daughter what that flag stands for and why the Fourth of July was important to America.

It’s not just about the pretty fireworks in the sky. It’s the day our country became free, which is really, really important for being an American.

The two didn’t fully grasp the weight of the holiday, of course, but the need for Andrew to instill these morals into his children at a young age was, and still is, really important to him.

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