Muncie Central students plan to participate in walkout at 10 a.m.

<p><strong>Kaiti Sullivan, DN File&nbsp;</strong></p>

Kaiti Sullivan, DN File 

Muncie Central High School students will be allowed to participate in a national walkout Wednesday at 10 a.m.

The national walkout was organized by Women’s March for Youth after the Parkland shooting in order to advocate for stronger gun laws. 

In a press release issued by the school last week, MCS administrators said they issued a letter to parents of MCS students discussing the event and follow up procedures.

“Muncie Central High School remains politically neutral on this issue; however, we respect and support the rights of our students and we are responsible to ensure a safe and orderly environment where their voices can be heard,” Principal Chris Walker said in the letter. 

The high school students will protest by leaving class and into the school auditorium where Muncie Police Sheriff Ray Dudley will discuss topics related to gun violence. 

The MCS students' march is not associated with the Walkout protest Ball State students are hosting on University Green at the same time. 

RELATED: Ball State student plans to have walkout in remembrance of Parkland victims

Students from Muncie Central High School organized this protest, and the school will not punish children who choose to partake in the march. Some high schools however, have issued statements claiming if students participate in the march they will be suspended. 

Ball State has issued a statement claiming that suspensions a student may receive for participating in the national walkout will not affect admission to the university. 


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