The Weekly, Ep. 12: Becoming a UPD officer

Ball State University faculty attend an active shooter training presentation by Lieutenant David Bell of the Ball State University Police Department on Sept. 6 in the L. A. Pittenger Student Center. The training covered active shooter examples, survival thinking, and how to act. Kyle Crawford, DN

As with any police officer, extensive mandated training is necessary in keeping the public safe. However, officers at University Police Department take it upon themselves to specialize their policing to Ball State.

Soon, three new officers will finish training and begin patrolling Ball State. UPD's Chief Duckham and Lt. David Bell described what they look for when hiring, and how they help new officers specialize in community policing.

Ball State alumnus Brock Bevans, second from the left, was hired by the Ball State University Police Department in October 2017. Ball State University Police Department Facebook, Photo Courtesy

The training includes deescalating a situation and alternatives for use of force. It also educates officers about Ball State's tunnel system and community policing efforts,  Duckham and Bell said.

One aspect of community policing is designating an officer to certain officers a specific dorm, which Duckham said has positively impacted student safety.

"By assigning officers to the residence halls, we've had survivors of sexual assault feel comfortable coming forward, and when our detectives have interviewed them, they're like, 'the only reason I came forward was because the officer assigned to my hall was so friendly,'" Duckham said.

Contact Sara Barker with comments at or on Twitter at @sarabarker326. Contact Bobby Yeager with any comments
