The Weekly, Ep. 11: Parenting while studying

It's hard enough to take care of yourself in college, let alone take care of a child.

For some students, looking after kids is part of everyday life, on top of studying and work.

A potential parking pass for pregnant students would be temporary and require a doctor’s note. However, the pass could last post-pregnancy if complications arise or a doctor requires it. Stephanie Amador, DN File

Currently, the Student Government Association is aiming to create parking passes for pregnant students on campus. 

While both Olivia Boles, a senior at Ball State, and Christina Guy, a graduate student, think the passes would help, some of their stressors are beyond the help of student government.

Within the past year, Boles found herself bathing her young daughter in water she had boiled because her now ex-husband did not pay utilities on time.

While on campus, Guy was approached by complete strangers who asked her if "the dad" was "still in the picture," and who changed their perception when seeing her and her fiancé together.

Contact Sara Barker with comments at or on Twitter at @sarabarker326. Contact Bobby Yeager with any comments
