Gov. Eric Holcomb signs Indiana Sunday alcohol sales bill

<p>Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb signs Senate Bill 1, which allows Sunday alcohol carryout sales Feb. 28 at the Indiana Statehouse.<strong> Senator Ron Alting, Photo provided</strong></p>

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb signs Senate Bill 1, which allows Sunday alcohol carryout sales Feb. 28 at the Indiana Statehouse. Senator Ron Alting, Photo provided

After being authored almost two months ago, Indiana Senate Bill 01 was signed by Gov. Eric Holcomb Wednesday afternoon.

RELATED: Senate and House approve bills, could make Sunday sales legal

This is the first time in Indiana's history that Sunday sales are legal. The bill goes into effect immediately, meaning Hoosiers can buy alcohol Sunday. 

The bill allows liquor stores, drug stores, grocery stores and convenience stores to sell alcohol from noon to 8 p.m. Sundays. A measure to extend those hours failed in both the House and the Senate earlier this year. 

Senate President Pro Tempore David Long said he was thankful for Holcomb signing Sunday sales into Indiana's laws. 

"Modernizing Indiana's alcohol laws has been long overdue for our state," Long said in a press release. "The passage of Sunday sales is a strong step in the right direction."

Long, along with Gov. Suzanne Crouch, House Speaker Brian Bosma, and authors of the bill, Sen. Ron Alting, R-Lafayette, and Rep. Ben Smaltz, R-Auburn, joined Holcomb in his office during the signing Wednesday afternoon. 

Although alcohol can be sold on Sundays, Hoosiers will not be able to purchase cold beer on Sundays. Senate Bill 26, which never left the committee, would have allowed grocery stores, convenience stores or drug stores sell beer at any temperature. 
