Editor’s Note: The Daily News publishes Letters to the Editor with minimal copy edits and provides a headline only if the author does not provide one. We reserve the right to withhold submitted letters depending on the content. Letters should be approximately 500 words and sent to editor@bsudailynews.com.
To begin, we’re going to keep this letter brief. In it, we’re going to explain who we are, what we stand for, and what we hope to accomplish. We are the voice of the students. We are the change the students need. We are the student government that the students deserve. We are Amplify.
Amplify is headed by President Isaac Mitchell, Vice President Matt Hinkleman, Secretary Kyleigh Snavely and Treasurer Jalen Jones. When we started this campaign, the four of us had one overarching goal in mind. We all wanted to amplify the voice of the students and provide the real change needed by the student body. Throughout this entire process, we have again and again emphasized that we want to hear your concerns. This will never change for our slate. Our top priority will always be to listen to the concerns of the student body and implement the necessary changes that address these concerns.
Our platform covers six categories, each aimed at improving Ball State in one way or another. We look to prioritize student safety, advocate for inclusivity, address student affairs, implement green initiatives, improve transportation, and expand service. Our platform covers specific issues ranging from working towards getting an LGBTQ+ Resource Center on campus to bringing back shuttles to home football games. Our platform is not static, however. We recognize that we must continually adapt. Our platform is and will continue to be dynamic, adjusting to the concerns of the student body.
A year ago, none of the four of us could have possibly imagined being where we are today. Yet today, none of the four of us would rather be anywhere else. Our aspirations for the Student Government Association are boundless. We will work relentlessly on your behalf and give you the effective Student Government Association that you deserve. We would be honored to represent you.
Thank You,
Isaac Mitchell
Matt Hinkleman
Kyleigh Snavely
Jalen Jones