The Weekly, Ep. 8: Exclusive with 'The Shape of Water' star, proposed Ball State control of MCS

Editor's Note: 'The Weekly' podcast is a rundown of the news stories produced by the Daily News since Monday.

On this episode, we sit down with the Daily News’ copy director Carli Scalf, who got an exclusive interview with Doug Jones, star of the Golden Globe-winning film “The Shape of Water,” and who launched his career after graduating from Ball State.

Then, President Geoffrey S. Mearns sent an email to campus Wednesday about Ball State possibly assuming responsibility of Muncie Community Schools. We’ll take a closer look at what specifically will change, what some in Muncie think about it, and what it means in the face of the prior state takeover.

Read the full stories here:

Ball State alumnus featured in 'The Shape of Water'
New bill proposes Ball State take over Muncie Community Schools

Contact Sara Barker with comments at or on Twitter at @sarabarker326. Contact Bobby Yeager with any comments
