James Franco, star of movies such as The Disaster Artist and This is the End, was the subject of controversy after his Golden Globe win this past week.
During his time at the event, Franco was seen wearing a #timesup button. Times Up is an organization that provides subsidized legal defense for women who are victims of sexual assault or harassment, as well as being a nation-wide movement aimed at holding those who commit such acts responsible. That same night, multiple women spoke out against Franco over Twitter.
Accusations against the actor consist primarily of exploitative uses of nudity in his films or classes he taught, as told in a tweet by actress Sarah Tither-Kaplan.
Another serious accusation comes from Franco’s former girlfriend Violet Paley, who claims Franco pressured her in to performing oral sex on him while in a car, ignoring her reluctance to do it.
When asked about how someone associated with the #timesup movement being accused of misconduct affects the movement, Ball State Gender Studies Professor Cheri Ellefson said:
“It will not be the last time someone associated with a movement to end sexism, sexual harassment and assault is called out for misogyny. What’s important now is that we have more and better dialogue surrounding what is sexual exploitation and how consent and power dynamics work.”
Franco has since responded to the accusations, denying them but also saying “I completely support people coming out… I don’t want to shut them down in any way.”
Source(s): Twitter, Twitter, LA Times, US Magazine, Time's Up Now
Image(s): Creative Commons