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What you should watch for Chanukah this year

by Emily Reuben Growing up Jewish, it was always exciting to see any television show or movie dedicate even a fraction of its time acknowledging that yes, Jews do exist. Even if the movie or special isn’t great, in the end it feels good to be acknowledged in a media landscape that largely ignores the Jewish faith. To help you deal with that suppressed Chanukah fever, we’ve compiled a nifty little list of some Chanukah goodness...or badness...to watch this year while eating latkes and playing dreidel. This list should be prefaced by saying that finding actual Chanukah specials is extremely difficult. It’s almost as if Chanukah is not the primary winter holiday celebrated in the United States or something…

1) Rugrats Season 4, Ep 15: Chanukah

to the babies , resulting in a trip to imagination land. Tommy (taking the role of Judah) fights against King "Antonica" (Antiochus IV Epiphanes) who forces the Jews to abandon their Jewish culture in favor of the Greek’s.

2) The Hebrew Hammer


3) Lamb Chop’s Chanukah Special

Chanukah   lamb puppet existed and wasn’t just some some strange fever dream, a quick Google search revealed that yes, this movie is in fact real! VHS on Amazon Kveller

4) 8 Crazy Nights

relentlessly annoying

5) Even Stevens Season 1, Ep 15: Heck of a Hanukkah 

Even Stevens It's a Wonderful Life, 
Image from IMDb
A Wonderful Life, 

6) South Park Short: "Santa vs. Jesus"

Image from IMDb
South Park 


8 Crazy Nights South Park  Representation is important
Kveller, YouTube