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Infinity War and Beyond, Humanizing Nazis, and Grindr - Pop Tabs

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl92usEClFk[/embed] Pop Tabs is back with Matt and the gang! On this episode, we kick things off with Marvel's Infinity War trailer and discuss how the movie will affect the future of Marvel's cinematic universe. In tech news, we talk about Grindr, a 'dating' app for men which is now offering it's services to women as well. Finally, we discuss recent backlash against a New York Times reporter after a story ran that humanized Neo-Nazis and their sympathizers. This episode was recorded on December 1, 2017. Time Stamps: Infinity War and Marvel: 00:39 Changes to Grindr: 14:00 Humanizing Nazis: 27:32 Pop Tabs is Byte's news commentary podcast, focusing on popular culture and how it relates to issues in the media world. Host: Matthew Yapp Co-Host: Mayzie Brammer Guest: Michael Robb Video Editing: Phil Akin, Michael Robb Audio Editing: Michael Robb Graphics: Daley Wilhelm, Sarah James, Luis Pulido Music: Jack McGinnis


