3 holiday-themed do-it-yourself projects

Sabrina Schnetzer, DN
Sabrina Schnetzer, DN

These inexpensive decorations and gifts are easy to make and a great way to get into the holiday spirit. Whether you need a gift to give your friend or you want to make your space more festive, here are a few ways to hand-make your holidays:  

Hot Cocoa Mix Ornament

What you need:

  • A plastic, fillable ornament
  • A funnel
  • Instant hot chocolate mix
  • Sprinkles
  • Chocolate chips
  • Mini marshmallows
  • Paper
  • A pen
  • Ribbon 
  • A hole punch


  1. Take the top off of the ornament and clean the inside.
  2. Using a funnel, fill the ornament with the hot chocolate mix, sprinkles, chocolate chips and mini marshmallows. 
  3. Put the top of the ornament back on.
  4. Using a pen, write “mix with 8 ounces of hot water” on a slip of paper. 
  5. Hole punch the top of the slip and pull ribbon through the hole. 
  6. Tie the ribbon around the top of the ornament.
  7. Hang the ornament on your tree or give it as a gift.

Ornament window decor

What You Need:

  • Ornaments
  • Ribbon
  • Tape
  • Scissors


  1. Using scissors, cut the ribbon in different lengths. 
  2. Tie the ribbon to the ornaments. 
  3. Tape the end of the ribbon to the top of a window or a wall to hang the ornament. 

Present Door Decoration

What You Need:

  • Wrapping paper
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon


  1. Cut wrapping paper to the length of front of your door. Have a friend hold the paper up to the door as you tape it.
  2. Repeat this until both sides of the door are completely covered.
  3. Add a large ribbon on your door to look like a present.

Contact Sabrina Schnetzer with comments at slschnetzer@bsu.edu. 

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