Rainy day for muncie

Today: Rain will be likely, especially during the early afternoon and late evening hours. Winds will be strong, with winds from 10-20mph with gusts between 25-35mph this afternoon. Make sure to grab a coat and umbrella if you plan to head out for the rest of the day. 

Tonight: Rain will continue throughout the early evening hours, but we will get a break overnight. Temperatures will be variable but we'll drop to a low of 36 overnight. 

Tomorrow: We'll wake up tomorrow morning to Partly Cloudy skies, but cold temperatures will be the rule. Clouds will fill in during the day, and a 20% chance of showers will be present in the early afternoon. Highs will stick to the upper 40s for tomorrow afternoon.

7-Day Forecast: We'll clear out for Thursday, but rain chances will once again return for Friday and Saturday. A brief warm-up will occur on Friday, but warm temperatures won't stick around for long - temperatures will drop back to the 40s on Saturday. 

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--- Weather Forecaster Adam Grimes

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