by Nolan Leahy
Bunkerville: A Post-Apocalyptic Musical is exactly as it sounds. No, it isn’t a spinoff from Bethesda’s Fallout franchise, but it has the same type of setting.
The musical’s story follows Steve, a narcissistic journalist that leaves an underground city 200 years after a nuclear holocaust.
Carson Crow is the assistant director for the musical and a theatre student here at Ball State. In the past, he was an assistant director for performances such as Boeing-Boeing, Everything will be Different: A Brief History of Helen of Troy, and Hairspray. He also directed a smaller scale musical John and Jenn in the Cave Studio Theatre.
Crow said Bunkerville was chosen to be in the Ball State production season two years ago. Multiple workshops and script rewrites took place throughout the previous two years and that “there still might be before it opens.”
Crow said that helping create this performance is an enjoyable challenge, and that the students he works with have “been on top of it.”
He said the director –-Matt Reeder—wanted to bring out more of the comedic nature of the production. Through the development, students designed all of the technical aspects including sound, lighting, “wacky” props, costumes, and the hair and makeup.
“The lighting is so intense because you start in a bunker, and then we travel to the surface. So, contrasting the two worlds of that has been really exciting for the lighting designer,” Crow said.
The only way Crow could describe the hair and makeup was with a chuckle.
“When you see the show, you’ll understand,” Crow said. “I’m just thrilled to be working with Matt and literally everyone on that production. They’ve been great.”
Bunkerville: A Post-Apocalyptic Musical premiered over the weekend and continues on until Oct. 28. The musical times are at 7:30 p.m. from Oct. 25 to Oct. 28 in addition to a 2:30 p.m. performance on Oct. 28. Tickets can be bought here.
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