Evan is a sophomore journalism major and writes “Never Being Boring” for the Daily News. His views do not necessarily agree with those of the newspaper. Write to Evan at erhatfield@bsu.edu.

Few things in college life have ever caused me more unwarranted panic than the time WCRD announced we as anchors would have to start reporting on weeks we aren't anchoring.
I didn't think much of it at first. We are a news organization, after all! We shouldn’t just be sitting at a desk week after week. We should be getting out there and actually reporting on what’s going on.
It’s the sort of opportunity that should be treasured, the kind of success I had been working toward for some time. I was more eager to audition for (and get) an anchor position this semester.
Even with the goalpost in sight, though, things can still fall apart.
Case in point: a few days after the announcement, I suddenly — and in hindsight, inexplicably — lost my sanity.
With being a news journalism major who, I admit, hadn't done particularly much news reporting for the Daily News, let alone WCRD, I grew overly paranoid over this new requirement.
The questions flew through my mind like the water in a bursting dam: am I really ready to take on this responsibility? Do I even have the time in my schedule to handle this? Is all of this getting to be too much?
Such was the stress in the moment that — I kid you not — I actually scheduled an appointment with my advisor for the next day to consider switching majors. I was so close to achieving my goal, and yet here I was, getting ready to back away from it completely over one small stipulation.
Now, don't get me wrong here. It really is okay to be uncomfortable with change. It’s in our nature to feel that way!
Heck, just look at the comment section on any given website anytime they announce a change in their design or rules. It’s never pretty.
Even compared to that, though, my emotions that afternoon were reaching levels of melodrama I didn't previously think were possible. In the moment, it felt like an insurmountable problem; all I could do was put it off my mind and let time sort those emotions out.
Thankfully, I returned to my senses by that evening, which led to what would probably be one of the quickest adviser meetings on record the next morning.
In hindsight, I pin the incident firmly on my emotional mindset in the moment. What I finally realized was that I was looking at the change completely the wrong way.
I had cowered in fear without even knowing what exactly this change would entail! Perhaps part of it could be chalked up to that fear of the unknown many of us share, but above all, the attitude toward change is the biggest problem.
With the benefit of time, I finally decided to take the change for what it was worth.
It often takes a fresh perspective. Change may feel like an obstacle, but it doesn't have to be. If you look at it the right way, it becomes something much more valuable: an opportunity, a chance to continue to learn and grow.
I will admit that’s something of an optimistic view. It’s not always so easy to overcome obstacles like that, especially when you’re caught in the thick of them. The solutions aren't normally so simple, either.
There come many points when walking away seems like a far more realistic option, even when the goal you’ve been going for is right in front of you.
Backing out should not be on the table, though, especially when you’ve already knocked on opportunity’s door. Is it really the best idea to play ding-dong ditch with your dreams like that?
The victory, then, comes in being able to prevail over these obstacles and not let them deter you from whatever you have your sights set on.
The important thing is to not live in fear. If you’re able to make the most of whatever comes your way, it’s almost assured that you will find your way.
So when I go to report my first story later this month, I will not be scared. It may not go the way I’d like it to, but is anything ever perfect the first time out? I’ll take the good and the bad in stride, and from there, I’ll continue to move onward and upward.