What you need to know for the Fourth of July

<p>TNS Photo Provided</p>

TNS Photo Provided

For the past week, Muncie has been lit up with the explosive noises and bright colors of fireworks lighting up the sky in celebration of Independence Day.

With tomorrow being one of the countries loudest holiday, law enforcement agencies are encouraging Hoosiers to be respectful and follow state laws when celebrating.

Firework hours

Muncie and Delaware County police agencies follow state law which allows for private individuals to shoot off approved fireworks from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. On the Fourth of July, the law allows fireworks from 9 a.m. to midnight.

Muncie Police Chief Joe Winkle told The Star Press that police will be responding to complaints about loud fireworks, but calls will be prioritized.

"It's like a 'loud music' call," Winkle told The Starr Press. "We're going to respond, but priority-wise, it's at the back of the list. We do know that when it's your next-door neighbor shooting off fireworks late at night, it's a big deal to you." 

RELATED: Where to see fireworks

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over 

Thousands will be driving this week to barbecues, picnics and parades to celebrate the holiday. As residents plan their trips, Indiana State Police are advising that one drink can be too many.

In every state and the District of Columbia, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher, according to an ISP press release. 

“The senseless behavior of drinking and driving is an inexcusable act that impacts thousands of families each year,” said Indiana State Police Superintendent Doug Carter in the release. “Don’t ruin your Fourth of July Holiday by driving impaired, being arrested and endangering yourself and everyone else.”

Indiana State Police will be out looking for impaired drivers so drivers can expect to see increased sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols. If pulled over, drunk drivers can expect a DUI arrest, resulting in going to jail, losing a driver's license and about $10,000 in fines. 

Signs of impaired driving: 

  • Weaving, swerving, drifting, or straddling the center line
  • Driving at a very slow speed
  • Braking erratically
  • Making wide turns
  • Stopping without cause
  • Responding slowly to traffic signals
  • Driving after dark with headlights off
  • Almost striking an object or vehicle
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Turning abruptly or illegally

If you see the signs of impaired driving call 911 and report the driver. Information according to ISP. 


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