Illuminate: Sensory Arts Festival 2017, hosted by Muncie EDMC and held at Be Here Now, was LITerally lit up by glow sticks, strobe lights and people’s happiness as they danced the night away to electronic dance music. The line-up went Ventura Music, Shxps, T-Roub, Spacexlion, Magnetic, Mephysto, Indigo Child, Ejion, Re:born and finally Lonestra. INtune captured the whirlwind of an evening in pictures below. Enjoy.
Dancers were lit up by the strobe lights when the beats dropped.
The DJs, lit up by laser lights, transported their audience to outer space with their music.
The local bar crawl was Halloween themed, bringing tigers, bananas, pirates, Lilo & Stitch and even a taco to the festival.
Strobe lights reflect on an audience member as she snaps a picture on her phone.
People-watchers chose the view from upstairs instead of dancing.
Be Here Now is famous for its DIY decor.
The lights reflected on dancers and drinks, turning them shades of red and yellow in the darkness.

That's a wrap on Illuminate 2017 and the school year!