Take some time to relax during Mental Health Awareness week

Terence K. Lightning Jr. // DN
Terence K. Lightning Jr. // DN

Mental health has quickly become a huge topic on college campuses. 

Whether students are talking about the lack of resources on campus or the importance of raising awareness, it seems to always come up. 

In February, a student scattered stickers around campus reading "More free therapy, less free football." Both Student Government Association slates running for the 2017-18 school year had mental health initiatives on their platform. 

To help raise awareness about mental health issues, Lambda Chi Alpha, SGA, Active Minds, the Counseling Center, CHAARG, the Health Center and Alpha Gamma Delta have paired up to host a week of events centered around anxiety and stress management. 

As finals quickly approach, the week comes at an appropriate time, said event creator Cole Callahan. 

Chill out with iced tea

Where: David Letterman Communication and Media Building, lobby

When: Monday, April 24 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

What: Enjoy free sweet tea and stress balls and write letters of motivation to anyone who may be struggling. 

Did someone say free doughnuts? 

Where: L.A. Pittenger Student Center, Tally

When: Tuesday, April 25 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

What: Munch on a free Concannon's doughnut and write letters of motivation for struggling students. 

Take some time to relax

Where: Jo Ann Gora Student Recreation and Wellness Center, room 200B

When: Wednesday, April 26 at 5:30 p.m.

What: Get active and participate in a free yoga session with CHAARG. 

Reenergize yourself with free coffee

Where: Letterman Building, lobby

When: Thursday, April 27 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

What: Enjoy free coffee and stress balls and offer support by writing a letter to a student who may be struggling. 

Mental health awareness forum

Where: Student Center Ballroom

When: Friday, April 28 at 7 p.m.

What: Learn about the importance of mental health from speakers from the Health Center, Counseling Center, Active Minds, Lambda Chi Alpha and Alpha Gamma Delta.


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