The iconic Selena


To mark her birthday on April 16, we’re taking a look at what makes her special.

Even though Selena left us more than 20 years ago, she continues being an icon. She is known to this day not only for her music, but for her signature traits, too.

Like her tornado spins.

And her dance moves.

Other than being an impeccable performer, Selena is also known for her humble personality. She was once quoted as saying, “The reason I’m really appreciative of everything that’s going on around me is because of the fact that I never expected it, and I want to keep that attitude.”

You can see her face go from surprised to super-excited after she finds out she won an award.

And when she puts her hands over her face and shakes her head, you can really see she didn’t expect to make it big.

Selena is still in our hearts and we love her as much as ever, just like the crowds of fans who enjoyed her music when she was at the peak of her career.


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