Past Ball State interim president appointed to Indiana Commission for Higher Education

<p>A past interim president was appointed to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education last week.&nbsp;Beverley Pitts, who served as <a href="">interim president at Ball State from January to August 2004</a>, was appointed to the commission by Gov. Eric Holcomb on March 24. Ball State // Photo Courtesy&nbsp;</p>

A past interim president was appointed to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education last week. Beverley Pitts, who served as interim president at Ball State from January to August 2004, was appointed to the commission by Gov. Eric Holcomb on March 24. Ball State // Photo Courtesy 

A former Ball State administrator was appointed to the Indiana Commission for Higher Education last week.

Beverley Pitts, who served as interim president at Ball State from January to August 2004, was appointed to the commission by Gov. Eric Holcomb Friday. 

Pitts served as interim president after former president Blaine Brownell resigned in 2004, and she returned to her position as provost and vice president for academic affairs at Ball State when Jo Ann Gora took office later that year.

She had several other positions at Ball State including associate provost, assistant provost and director of academic assessment.

While at the university, Pitts was also a professor of journalism and served as director of graduate studies in the journalism department.

After her time at Ball State, Pitts was the president of University of Indianapolis until retiring in 2012.

According to a press release from the governor’s office, the ICHE “defines the missions of Indiana’s colleges and universities, plans and coordinates the state’s post secondary education system, and ensures that Indiana’s higher education system is aligned to meet the needs of students and the state.”

Pitts’ term on the ICHE commission will end June 30, 2018.


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