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The Coven S2E13 - Watching Over Overwatch's Diversity

https://soundcloud.com/user-519363288/the-coven-s2e13-watching-over-overwatchs-diversity Overwatch has become one of the most played online games. It breaks the mold of typical shooters in many ways, one of the most obvious being it's wide array of characters. These characters are diverse in culture, body type, gender, and even sexuality. The game recently celebrated Lunar New Year, giving some representation to countries like China and Korea which celebrate the holiday. Some have argued that this could be construed as culturally appropriative? After the release of a winter holiday comic, it has been revealed that Tracer, effectively the face of Overwatch, is gay. We discuss how important this is in terms of representation and who might be the other queer character(s). Real girls have diverse body types. Overwatch girls do too! We celebrate that, the Lunar New Year, and all our favorite ships on this heroic episode of The Coven. Hosts: Daley Wilhelm, CJ Streetman, Dalton Martin Logo by: Meghan Duffy and Daley Wilhelm Music by: Jack McGinnis Edited by: Daley Wilhelm Be sure to follow us on iTunes!