7 Signs you are a chemistry major

<p>Chemistry majors earn unique quirks and skill sets, such as&nbsp;working with chemicals and memorizing the periodic table, along with their degree. Ball State's chemistry majors pointed out a few other signs that define their department.&nbsp;<em>Wikimedia Commons // Photo Courtesy</em></p>

Chemistry majors earn unique quirks and skill sets, such as working with chemicals and memorizing the periodic table, along with their degree. Ball State's chemistry majors pointed out a few other signs that define their department. Wikimedia Commons // Photo Courtesy

Between memorizing the periodic table of elements and working with chemicals in the lab, chemistry majors earn some unique quirks and skills along with their degree. Here are some signs you're a chemistry major, as told by chemistry majors themselves.

You know you're a chemistry major if...

1. “You can draw a perfect hexagon," -Katie Bitterman, senior.

Chemistry majors have to draw bonds and the elements they are working with and learning about, so they get pretty good at it.

2. “Smelly labs are your new perfume," -Layla Milton, junior

The chemicals in the lab and Cooper leave a distinct smell on your clothes.

3. "If someone mentions an element by name you automatically think of the symbol," -Sarah Pruitt, junior

That's probably because they look at the periodic table so often and memorize it for quizzes, it becomes second nature.

4. "You’ve spent weeks with brown fingers because you didn’t wear gloves when working with the silver nitrate," -Bitterman.

That's one stain a Tide stick won't work on.

5. "You always carry a pair of closed toe shoes with you for labs," -Milton.

Entering a lab without closed toed shoes is prohibited, so some chemistry majors have taken to carrying around an extra pair, just in case.

6. “You probably have multiple copies of the periodic table," -Pruitt.

It's on your computer, your phone, your notebook, etc. You never know when you'll need it.

7. “You get to walk around campus with safety goggle marks.” Mary Reams, freshman.

The goggles worn in hour long labs tend to leave the marks on your face for hours and in turn, it becomes a new fashion statement.
