3 DIY Valentine's Day Gifts

<p>Do-it-yourself&nbsp;picture frames are just one gift idea you can use for Valentines Day. &nbsp;Other options are pillow cases or 'I heart you' photos.</p>

Do-it-yourself picture frames are just one gift idea you can use for Valentines Day.  Other options are pillow cases or 'I heart you' photos.

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, you may be wondering what to get the special someone in your life. Go for an original, homemade gift with one of these do-it-yourself ideas.

DIY Cute Pillowcases

What you need:

  • Three pillowcases (two for the DIY and one for when ironing)

  • Iron-on printable sheets

  • Scissors

  • Iron


  1. Make a design online with the words “little spoon” and “big spoon.”

  2. Print out the design. Make sure the words are printed backwards.

  3. Cut out the design so there is as little extra white space as possible.

  4. Put the ironing pillowcase on a hard surface. Get rid of any wrinkles with the iron.

  5. Place the pillowcase that you will be putting the design on on top of the ironed pillowcase. Iron both pillowcases to remove wrinkles.

  6. Place the design on the pillowcase. Follow the directions for the iron-on printable sheet for how long you iron the design on.

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the second pillowcase.

I <3 You Photos

What you need:

  • 3 poster boards

  • Camera or phone with a built-in camera

  • Picture frame


  1. Draw an “I” on the first poster board. Draw a heart on the second poster board. Draw a “U” on the third poster board. Cut out each poster board.

  2. Go outside with a friend and take photos. You will need one photo of you with each cut-out board.

  3. Print out the photos.

  4. Put them into a picture frame.

Song Lyric Picture Frame

What You Need:

  • Picture frame with lots of white border

  • Cute photo, either of yourself or you with your significant other

  • Song lyrics

  • Writing utensil


  1. Find a song that represents your significant other.

  2. Write the lyrics on the white border of the picture frame.

  3. Put the photo into the picture frame.
