What Ball State students and faculty members hope to see with President Mearns

<p>Ball State named Geoffrey S. Mearns as its 17th president.</p>

Ball State named Geoffrey S. Mearns as its 17th president.

The Ball State Board of Trustees named Geoffrey S. Mearns as the 17th university president Jan. 24. With the new president's employment set to begin in early August, the Daily News talked to students about the expectations they have and the changes they hope to see in the future.

Bryce Smith, junior professional sales major

"I think he is going to be a great leader. He did some good things in Kentucky and I think that he will be able to make some good impacts here in Muncie. I want to see him implement the new sorority village as well as the new health building. I think Ball State is ready for some changes."

Kennedy Mosley, freshman journalism major

"I think he will do a lot for Ball State. I'm excited to see what he does as far as diversity here. I think it's important to be involved with the students here in the community, considering I'm a minority. I hope he is community engaged."

Katelyn Bastian, senior speech path major

“I hope they bring the university back together because I know there were questions about what had gone down, and I hope they bring a new light to everything and it's positive. As long as the positivity is there, I think we can grow.”

Nathan Johnson, sophomore secondary English education major

“Honestly, I don't expect much from [him] other than just to make sure that this university is still something to be proud of. I'd like to see some money redirected towards the university and more educational needs, as well as personal needs for all students, not just athletes.”

Bennie McCoy, senior marketing major

“The expectations I have, obviously, is to maintain campus diversity, but also kind of keep the students in mind. Whether it's, you know, sports, education or organizations. Just kind of making sure that all the students feel comfortable, but also make sure that as a campus we're expanding.”

Gabrielle Lloyd, junior telecommunications major

“Ball State has been working to be more inclusive and to be more diversity focused, so I would hope that our new president ... would be willing to further those commitments, as well.”

Carisa Burgos, sophomore actuarial science major

“[I would] probably [want to see] a fix in the meal plan, so it's more flexible for students. Also, maybe more involvement in sports and more updates in what's going on around campus because there's always something going on around Emens and students don't really know about it.”

Soren Powell, freshman history and political science major

“My only expectations is that professors need to be paid more. Currently, Ball State is the lowest-paying college in the lowest-paying state in the United States; or you know, it's near the bottom of the list.”
