LSU to host Latinopalooza

<p>The&nbsp;Latinx Student Union wrapped up auditions for its&nbsp;annual Latinopalooza talent show Nov. 17. The show, which allows students to broadcast their talents, will take place in the&nbsp;L.A. Pittenger Student Center Ballroom Jan. 20, during Unity Week.&nbsp;<i style="font-size: 14px;">LSU Facebook // Photo Courtesy</i></p>

The Latinx Student Union wrapped up auditions for its annual Latinopalooza talent show Nov. 17. The show, which allows students to broadcast their talents, will take place in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center Ballroom Jan. 20, during Unity Week. LSU Facebook // Photo Courtesy

The Latinx Student Union wrapped up their final day of auditions Nov. 17 in preparation for their annual Latinopalooza talent show. 

"Latinopalooza is a non-competitive show where students can broadcast their talents, whether it’s singing, dancing, poetry, interpretive dance or tap dancing," said Mari Lynne Cruz, LSU vice president.

The show isn't just for LSU members or the Latino community. 

“Anyone can audition — you do not have to be Latino to audition for Latinopalooza," Cruz said. "Everyone is welcomed."

Typically, LSU strives to have 20 acts perform. The number of attendance varies though, with the organization hoping to attract hundreds. 

Last year, Latinopalooza broke their attendance record, making Latinopalooza 2k16 the most successful one in its history, according to LSU's BennyLink. The total amount of attendees were 385, over 100 more attendees than 2015. 

The event will take place in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center Ballroom Jan. 20, during Unity Week. Since 1980, Unity Week has been dedicated to unifying the community through enlightening social, cultural and educational events.
