ETA marches for sexual assault awareness

<p>The Ethics Theatre Alliance hosted the Sexual Assault March on Oct. 6 from the North Quad to Shafer Tower. The ETA wanted to&nbsp;spread awareness about sexual assault and victim blaming.&nbsp;<i style="font-size: 14px;">Demi Vaughn // DN</i></p>

The Ethics Theatre Alliance hosted the Sexual Assault March on Oct. 6 from the North Quad to Shafer Tower. The ETA wanted to spread awareness about sexual assault and victim blaming. Demi Vaughn // DN

In the past, the Ethics Theatre Alliance has marched as a way to spread awareness for trans and black lives, but this time it was for those whom have survived sexual assault. 

ETA's Sexual Assault march on Oct. 7 started outside the David Owsley Museum of Art and moved to the Bell Tower, where members laid on the ground in silent protest.

“We are really interested in spreading awareness about sexual assault ... we’re a group of people here that support survivors of sexual assaults," said Megan Crowsier, the president of ETA. "With the problems on campuses, like with the Brock Turner story and what happens on our campus, we really want to bring more awareness.”

ETA also want students to be aware of victim blaming.

“We want people to just understand how victim blaming is a real issue," Crowsier said. "Victims are not responsible for what happens to them. That is a big thing that we want students to gain from this experience."

While marching, ETA shouted “I am not an object” and “not on my campus.”

Emma Engler, a sophomore cello performance major, said she learned a lot for the experience and thinks there should be more marches for awareness in the future.

“I’m a big supporter of anti-rape, and I think there should be more marches like this on campus," Engler said. "These issues are very prominent on campuses and if you don’t keep it at the forefront of people’s minds then nothing’s going to be done about it.”

Mitchell Lykins, a sophomore psychology major, felt like he gained a partnership with the ETA.

“I’m the vice president of Feminists for Action and ETA stands for some of the same ideals as we do. It’s comforting knowing there’s people on campus who care about the same issues as us,” Lykins said. “I love demonstrations like this that gets conversations started around campus.”


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