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Anime A-Team S3E5 - Animation Qualifications

https://soundcloud.com/user-519363288/anime-a-team-s3e5-animation-qualifications-1 This week, the A-Team gathers to discuss the namesake of our podcast: animation. We explore where animation had its humble beginnings, all it's awkward stylistic phases, and our visually favorite series today. If the animation is horrible, will you watch it? If the story is lame but the animation is eye-bleedingly beautiful, do you watch? We discuss what's made it to our watch lists, along with whatever is happening with the new Pokemon animation on this episode of the Anime A-Team! Hosts: Daley Wilhelm, Courtney Tuchman, Adam Sellers Logo by: Meghan Duffy Music by: Lex Bravary Edited by: Daley Wilhelm Check out all our other episodes here on our iTunes!