'Middletown Chronicles' musical celebrates city of Muncie

<p>"Middletown Chronicles: The Making of Middletown America," a musical, premiered at Muncie Central High School on May 14 in celebration of Indiana's bicentennial year. <em>DN PHOTO PATRICK CALVERT</em></p>

"Middletown Chronicles: The Making of Middletown America," a musical, premiered at Muncie Central High School on May 14 in celebration of Indiana's bicentennial year. DN PHOTO PATRICK CALVERT

Muncie Mayor Dennis Tyler said the term "Middletown" has been used to describe the typical American town — a small city with traditional values. The musical celebrated these aspects of Muncie.

Tyler gave a proclamation at the event stating the day was to celebrate the city of Muncie, Middletown USA.

“It is my great honor to recognize this wonderful event with a proclamation from the office of the mayor from the city of Muncie," Tyler said. "Muncie, Indiana, has come to symbolize mainstream America, whereas Muncie continues to be a city that strives to accomplish its goals through hard work, tenacity and a collaborative spirit while improving the quality life and the quality of place for all of its citizens.”

Tyler urged citizens to celebrate not only this day, but also this year and every year after it.

The composition of the musical is based off Robert S. Lynd and Helen Merrell Lynd’s books that studied the lives of citizens of an average American town — one like Muncie.

The main composition was performed by the Masterworks Chorale with an orchestra and lasted about 30 minutes. A slideshow of photos displayed on the screen to give context to the music.


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