How did these Ball State baseball players pick their walk-up songs?

Alex Call, a junior outfielder for the Ball State Cardinals, attempts to hit the ball in the game against Ohio on April 1. DN PHOTO GRACE RAMEY
Alex Call, a junior outfielder for the Ball State Cardinals, attempts to hit the ball in the game against Ohio on April 1. DN PHOTO GRACE RAMEY

Baseball is a game of routine, repetition and rhythm — and at home games, that rhythm often comes in the form of walk-up songs.

The Cardinals lead the Mid-American Conference with their .295 team batting average, and the players' walk-up songs help them get in the right mindset for their at-bat. Here are some of the songs Ball State players chose:

Junior right fielder Alex Call: "Careless Whisper" by George Michael

“Well, I played saxophone in high school and most of my life," Call said. "It’s an instrument that I love and think it makes great music. It kinda gets me in a chill mood, in a relaxed mood."

Junior first baseman Caleb Stayton: "Where I Belong" by Building 429

“I’m obviously a big guy of faith. Keeping in mind what really matters when I’m walking up to the plate keeps things in perspective and helps keep me focused,” Stayton said.

Junior third baseman Sean Kennedy: “Good Vibrations” by Marky-Mark and the Funky Bunch

“I like kind of the old-school, good vibe song," Kennedy said. "I know it sounds cliché because I chose the song 'Good Vibrations,' but I just like being relaxed in the box and having a good time."

Junior center fielder Matt Eppers: “People Mover” by The One and Only PPL MVR

“It gets me in the right mental state to go to battle,” Eppers said.

Junior catcher Jarett Rindfleisch: "Buy Me a Boat" by Chris Janson

“I picked it because I’m a country fan and it’s a newer song," Rindfleisch said.

Junior shortstop Alex Maloney: "Don’t Waste my Time" by Krept & Konan

“I like it because it’s from the movie 'Creed' and it gets me pumped up,” Maloney said.
