Cornfed Derby Dames on a roll

The Cornfed Derby Dames is Muncie's premiere, all-women roller derby team. Members will be celebrating the team's sixth anniversary this April, and because of a successful end to last season, the team had a strong start this year.

The team was  featured in this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Angie Hubert said she’s excited for the progress the Derby Dames have made, and felt the parade brought publicity to the team.

“The season is going really, really, well. Because of our season last year, we actually had a great starting off standing, and we’re still progressing to go forward,” Hubert said. “We were so close to breaking the top 100 in the world. We were in the lower 200's almost, so for us to progress so much in one year, we are just unbelievable,” she added.

Debbie Branscome said there is a common misconception that roller derby is about being violent, but it is really about empowering women.

“If you YouTube ‘70s roller derby’ it’s just a bunch of women hitting each other and it’s quite terrifying, but it’s a sport. It’s a contact sport, but it’s also empowering women,” Branscome said. “It’s a women-driven sport and a skater-run sport, and it’s tough,” she added.

Debbie Branscome also said the Derby Dames volunteer with various groups around the community.

“We work with a different charity and volunteer with different charities and groups around town,” Branscome said. “it’s a great way to get involved in the community and give back, and just sort of be present in the area while also giving back and empowering women,” she added. “That’s what it’s all about.”
