International students and the university

In 2015, international students in the U.S. contributed more than $30.5 billion to the U.S. economy, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. The benefits extend beyond the monetary numbers – U.S. and international students alike find their experiences are enhanced by cultural immersion.

That being said, it can be up to three times more expensive for an international student to study in the U.S. Some countries sponsor students to study abroad in countries like the U.S., Great Britain, and Australia. Other countries offer free or affordable higher education, but at a price.

This week, Ball Bearings explores the cost of an international education. View all nine stories on the topic:

Worth the Price,” Letter from the editor-in-chief, Miranda Carney
It was far from my first time studying abroad, yet I realized I was a few decisions away from a bad situation.

Finding a Legal Way to Work,” a feature by Taylor Meyers
For some international students, finding a way to work is so difficult that they work illegally.

The Cost of a Free Education,” an essay by Katie Grieze
Several countries offer free tuition, but it comes at a price

Biggest Culture Shock,” a photo essay by Dan Jacobsen
International students at Ball State discuss the biggest culture shock for them when they came to America

Price of an International Education,” a Q&A by Payton Kaufman
Ball Bearings met with three people to discuss the costs of an international education for students coming to the United States to study.

Keeping Culture Intact,” a feature by Taylor Hohn
International students must find ways to adjust to a new culture while living in the U.S.

Working in the U.S.,” a Q&A by Vanessa Ford
Ball Bearings sits down with four individuals to talk about how employment in the United States affects international students and what opportunities are available to them.

The Benefits of Studying Abroad,” a column by Hannah Sordyl
Studying abroad comes with a cost, but many students believe the benefits outweigh the price.

Internationally Known,” a graphic by Maggie Craig

Most international students in the U.S. come from China and choose to study in California, Texas, or New York.

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