RJ Mitte: “Without my disability I would have never gotten Breaking Bad”

Bullying and being treated differently because of a disability is what led one man to pursue the acting career he has today.

RJ Mitte, American actor and motivational speaker, focuses on his disability being an advantage instead of a disadvantage. During his interview with NewsLink Indiana, Mitte explains that the entertainment business as an actor born with cerebral palsy is difficult at times and companies sometimes focus on the disability one may have.

“When you see someone with a disability, I don’t care who you I don’t care what business you are in, many people find the word disability similar with the word liability,” Mitte explained.

After auditioning and being turned down, Mitte understands what it is like to not receive the job due to a disability.

“Reminding companies that a disability is not a liability it is a strength, it’s knowledge and it’s an opportunity,” Mitte said.

As an actor with little experience before his role as Walter “Flynn” White Jr. of AMC’s Emmy and Golden Globe Award-winning television series Breaking Bad, Mitte wanted his audience to live through his character and realize bullying and discrimination does happen and will never stop.

“You can’t get rid of bullying; if you could you would have world peace. I think the biggest thing is you do not have to be afraid of a bully, you do not need to live in fear and intimidation,” Mitte said.

After visiting Ball State University Monday evening, Mitte hoped his role on camera will make people realize that bullying is an issue in everyday lives.

According to a study from Yale University, bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims.

“I still deal with bullies to this day, they are just older,” Mitte jokes.

His message to his audience is to never give up your dream regardless of those around you holding you down.

His presentation “Overcoming Adversity: Turning a Disadvantage into an Advantage” raised awareness of equality and diversity to students at the university.


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