Lab Zero Games and 505 Games are bringing an Indivisible demo to PS4 and will be released on November 3 for all PlayStation Network users. The game is also available right now on the Indivisible website for those who own a Windows computer, Linux or Mac.
Lab Zero is hoping to raise enough funds through Indiegogo so that they can start full development on Indivisible. 505 will be contributing $2 million to the funding and has agreed to publish the game.
Lab Zero still needs at least $1.5 million in order to make Indivisible come to life. When it comes to the writing, it is only $1 million away from reaching its set goal.
After Skullgirls was laid off from Reverge Labs, the original members went on to develop Lab Zero Games. If Lab Zero happens to reach its funding goal, this would make Indivisible its first original game.
Source: Destructoid
Image: Destructoid
Lab Zero bringing Indivisible demo to PS4