Homecoming offers alumni chance to reconnect with campus

<p>Every year, Homecoming brings alumni back to Muncie. One event hosted by the College of Communication, Information, and Media is Speed Networking with alumni in the field. <em>DN PHOTO BREANNA DAUGHERTY</em></p>

Every year, Homecoming brings alumni back to Muncie. One event hosted by the College of Communication, Information, and Media is Speed Networking with alumni in the field. DN PHOTO BREANNA DAUGHERTY

“Homecoming is a great opportunity for alumni,” Michelle Johnson, director of Homecoming programs, said. “They can reconnect with old friends, see what’s new on and around campus and spend time with their families.”

Each year, Homecoming brings hundreds of alumni back to Muncie, but it’s hard to tell exactly how many come back, Johnson said. Some alumni only come for the football game, while others stay all weekend. One event that is always well attended is the parade before the game.

“The parade is just one of those things that people like because it shows school spirit,” Johnson said. “It’s something to get everyone ‘warmed up’ before tailgating and the football game.”

The Alumni Association is hosting other events for alumni, including group reunions, a golf outing and an all-alumni coffee hour. CharlieTown Tailgate, which takes place on the west lawn of the Alumni center before the game, is for celebrants of all ages.

“[CharlieTown Tailgate] is more family-friendly this year, with games and inflatables,” Johnson said.

Different colleges also host special events for their departmental alumni.

The College of Communication, Information and Media is hosting an event called Speed Networking, where students can network with alumni.

While the College of Architecture and Planning doesn’t host any specific events, students go on field trips and meet with alumni during Homecoming Week.

The Miller College of Business is having a tailgate for its alumni, in conjunction with the H.H. Center for Professional Selling at Ball State. Invitations were sent out to regional alumni, encouraging them to bring their families to the event. Brennen Charles, communications coordinator for the Miller College of Business, said the event is brand new and isn't open to current students.

“This is the first time we’re hosting the tailgate,” Charles said.

Charles said there are currently 121 people registered to attend, which he attributes to the 50th anniversary of the College of Business this year. 

All departments have to option to form Bed Race teams and participate in the Department Decorating Contest.
