Homecoming Dinner events open to students without meal plans

DeHority Beach Party: 

Free, on DeHority beach from 4-7 p.m. Sept. 30

Homecoming Dinner:

Meal swipe or $10.95, The Retreat at Noyer Centre from 5-8 p.m. Sept. 30

Students who don’t have meal plans can still participate in Homecoming Dinner activities tonight.

This year, a new event on DeHority Beach — the lawn between DeHority and Woodworth complex — will take place between 4-7 p.m.  Amber Umila, a junior hospitality and food management major and coordinator event, said she wanted to have options available for students who didn’t want to spend money.

“DeHo Beach Party is completely new,” Umila said. “I really wanted to incorporate something for the students without meal swipes, because I always feel bad that they can’t do anything without an expense.”

The Beach Party is open to everyone, with free admission and food for all. Attendees can eat ice cream, cotton candy and popcorn, and choose from activities such as yoga, a Velcro wall and bungee run, yard games and a meet-and-greet with the athletic department.

Students wishing to use their meal swipes can attend the all-you-can-eat Homecoming Dinner at The Retreat in Noyer Centre today from 5-8 p.m. It is open to all and costs $10.95 plus tax if not using a meal plan. Attendees can choose from a wide variety of carnival food, including walking tacos, corn dogs, caramel apples and circus peanuts.

Free glow-in-the-dark Homecoming cups will be given out to students who attend these events. They will also be available during dinner hours today at The Buff in LaFollette, Noyer Centre Food Mall, Tom John Food Shop in Kinghorn Hall and in Elliot Dining while supplies last.
