'The force' is strong in Ball State bookstore

<p><em>DN PHOTO LAURA ARWOOD</em></p>


The Ball State bookstore stocked new black and red Star Wars-themed T-shirts a week ago as a nod to Star Wars Day. May 4 is the official holiday of Star Wars, established to celebrate “the force,” according to the Star Wars website. 

The holiday was first celebrated in 1979. Popularity spawned from the pun, “May the 4th be with you,” according to the site.

“We all kind of talked about it and thought it would be pretty funny,” said employee Kasha Tabor, a junior criminal justice major. 

Joshua Martin, general merchandise manager, made the final decision to order the shirts, Tabor said. 

Ball State is not affiliated with the Star Wars franchise, nor are the shirts exclusive to the university. Champion, a company that manufactures apparel, owns the design. 

“Champion had that license and May the 4th is coming up so we thought it would work out well," Martin said. "Other universities carry the same shirts.” 

The new additions are considered seasonal, like the ugly Christmas sweaters the bookstore stocked in the fall. The item will not be in the store year-round, Martin said. 

“They’re something different,” Martin said. 
