Fly to Saturn with Ball State’s Production

Charles W. Brown Planetarium takes Ball State University on a journey to Saturn Friday evening.

It's located on the west part of campus on Riverside Avenue.

The planetarium premieres its first full dome video of “Saturn and Beyond,” a program that assistant director Dayna Thompson co-wrote along with a graduate student. The dome first opened in November.

Thompson describes the steps it took to produce this show.

“About eight hours goes into every minute of production,” Thompson said. “So over 190 hours went into making this program.”

She recounts about how past shows were in the old dome compared to how the shows are now in the new dome.

“In our old planetarium we were able to create programs but we can only put up pictures and videos in certain areas of the dome,” Thompson said. “Where else this one we can put up images and videos on the entire dome. So the entire dome becomes a movie screen.”

The production is scheduled to show every Friday and Saturday through the end of the semester. Any changes to the schedule will be posted on Ball State’s website.

All shows are free and open to Ball State students, faculty, staff and the community of Muncie with limited seating. Doors open 30 minutes before show time and all the programs shown are approximately 45 minutes in length.
