SGA Slates continue pursuing goals, despite loss

Losing the 2015 Student Government Association elections has not stopped Momentum and Cardinal Direction from continuing their missions.

Presidential candidate of Momentum, Quintin Thompson, said the slate plans to complete all its platform points by the time each slate member graduates. The slate had a total of nine points.

“Momentum made a promise to the students of Ball State, especially the ones who need it the most, and we intend to keep our promise,” he said.

Thompson and vice presidential candidate Bonu Dustova plan to meet with the director of the Rinker Center to start the International Buddy System. This would involve pairing a domestic student with an international student.

Thompson is meeting with athletics to discuss a partnership with housing and athletics.

It can be difficult to switch from campaigning to implementing platform points, especially when each of the slate members are involved with other projects and organizations on campus, he said.

“It's exciting to be part of something that will impact the culture for generations to come,” Thompson said.

At time of publication, presidential candidate of Cardinal Direction Jacob Cash said he could not comment on the specifics of implementing their platform points.

“We are very excited for what the rest of the semester holds for not only us, but the student body as well,” Cash said. “This won't be the last time you hear from us, and we're looking forward to sharing exciting news.”

He said the slate's social media movement #BSUCAN is still going strong.

One of Cardinal Direction’s most controversial platform points was implementing a dead week, which involves no homework or projects the week before finals.

Marilyn Buck, associate provost and dean of University College, said the point is possible but she is unsure if it can be done by Fall 2015, as it has to go through approval processes.

"It has to go through the governance process procedures, and it gets down to ... the faculty and faculty council and the students' campus council," she said.

Jack Hesser, president of the elected slate, Atlas, said they have reached out to other slate members about cabinet positions, but have not yet discussed adopting their platform points.

“Some of the student government committees are reviewing the feasibility of some of the other slates' platform and seeing which ones can be implemented through University Governance,” Hesser said.
