Breaking cross-continental barriers

International students extend their stay

<p>Millie Gibson is an exchange student from Keele University in England. Gibson was originally only staying for the fall semester, but she ended up extending her stay until May 2015.</p>

Millie Gibson is an exchange student from Keele University in England. Gibson was originally only staying for the fall semester, but she ended up extending her stay until May 2015.

Before coming to America, Millie Gibson was shy and didn’t have many friends back home in England. Even after arriving, she spent a few weeks feeling isolated because she was nervous about meeting people. The fact that she also had a bad roommate experience at the beginning of the year didn’t help her feel welcome.

Gibson now has friends from Finland, Scotland, Spain, and the United States. It took finding a new roommate and a different group of friends to help her feel accepted.Millie Gibson is an exchange student from Keele University in England. Gibson was originally only staying for the fall semester, but she ended up extending her stay until May 2015.

“I went to stay with a friend for Thanksgiving and I realized, ‘actually, no, I’m having a really good time so maybe I should try to stay,’” Gibson said.

She had planned on attending Ball State only for the fall semester originally, but when she realized she wasn’t ready to leave as originally planned, she decided to extend her stay in the United States.

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