BSU Momentum candidate removed from SGA Senate

A candidate in the SGA executive slate election has been removed from her post in the SGA Senate. Robiyabonu “Bonu” Dustova, a SGA senator and vice-presidential candidate with Momentum BSU, was dismissed Wednesday, Feb. 18 after her third unexcused absence.

According to the SGA bylaws,"two unexcused absences will result in automatic dismissal from Senate." But, SGA Secretary Rahissa Engle said the executive slate hasn't been practicing removing senators until after their third unexcused absence, which Dustova has now met.

Wednesday’s absence was one of four this semester for Dustova. She was excused for missing the Jan. 28 meeting due to illness, but she didn’t have prior permission to miss meetings on Jan. 21, Feb. 11 and Feb. 18.

“We sent an email to Bonu notifying her that if she missed one more she would be dismissed,” Engle said about an email sent Feb. 13.

Dustova said she was gone Wednesday due to medical reasons.

"I could not get out of my bed, I was that sick," Dustova said. "I have missed quite a few meetings, but it was due to medical reasons."

Engle said Dustova approached her about the latest absence Thursday night after the presidential debate. She told Dustova that until a doctor's note could be presented, she would not be reinstated to the Senate.

“I understand that people get sick,” Engle said. “But, she’s been a senator for three years and she knows that she gets two unexcused absences or could send a proxy.”

The SGA bylaws permit a senator to send someone in their place twice during a semester, and then on a continuing basis if approved by two-thirds of the Senate body. Engle said Dustova never utilized that option this semester, including this past Wednesday when two of her fellow slate members from BSU Momentum, Dayna Arnett and Patrick Jennings, were present.

“That’s what’s so surprising is that her entire slate was there Wednesday,” Engle said. “Patrick or Dayna could have served as her proxy.”

The Senate heard a pitch Wednesday from each of the three slates campaigning: Momentum BSU, BSU Cardinal Direction and Ball State Atlas. Of the election’s 12 candidates, seven are senators; including Dustova and Quintin Thompson from Momentum BSU; Jacob Cash, Wesley Crouch and Jessica Sharkey from BSU Cardinal Direction and Jack Hesser and Richu Aby from Ball State Atlas.

SGA Vice President Bryan Kubel said missing Senate meetings for campaigning is not permitted.

“We told them [the senators actively campaigning] that they are senators first,” Kubel said. “They serve the students and they have those obligations to uphold.”

Kubel said there is no appeal process for dismissal due to violating the attendance policy.

“You miss those and you’re out,” he said. “But, you’re always welcome to apply for the next term.”

Dustova said she was going to meet with Engle Friday afternoon to show her proof of her medical situation that caused the absence.

"There's a moment in a person's life where you cannot do," she said.

Dustova was present both for Tuesday's all-slate debate and Thursday's presidential debate.

“We would weigh the decision very seriously to reinstate her, but as of now I have not changed my mind,” Engle said Friday afternoon.

If Momentum BSU were to win this year’s executive slate election, Dustova would assume the role of the vice president – which includes conducting and attending the weekly Senate meetings.
