SGA slates still face fines after attempt to appeal

Student Government Association slates Atlas and Cardinal Direction will still be fined after appealing the original decision.

The Student Judicial Court made the decision Friday, according to a press release.

Atlas campaign manager Chloe Anagnos said the appeal was fair. 

"I respect the board's decision, I figured that it would be a long shot," she said. 

Cardinal Direction campaign manager D'Marcus Pulce said he hopes this does not become an issue for future slates running for office. 

"I think it was as fair as it's going to be," he said. "We made the appeal hoping they would see where we are coming from." 

Atlas and Cardinal Direction each violated Article 6, Section 2, Part D of the elections code which states, “Candidates may begin campaigning upon the close of the Nomination Convention and shall end upon the conclusion of the election.”

Atlas’ Facebook profile and cover photos were posted before the end of the convention, according to WCRD.

Cardinal Direction created their Facebook page in 2014 but there was no content until the convention, said Election Board Chair Zach Huffman.

Chief Justice Spencer Bonahoom said Cardinal Direction argued their page did not go public until the nomination convention was over.

He said Atlas argued there was a miscommunication with the campaign team and they did not intend to campaign early.

“We took a substantial amount of time to review and research each violation,” Huffman said. “Hearing the Student Judicial Court agree with our decision validates our positions on these fines.”

Both slates used up their one and only appeal to the court, according to the press release. 

Cardinal Direction also violated Section 4, Article 6, Part A-2 which states that no posters larger than 14 inches by 22 inches will be allowed in classrooms and hallways. They are permitted only on available bulletin boards. 

Permission from departments is needed to hang posters up on certain bulletin boards. 

Pulce said there was a miscommunication with the campaign team and members did place a flyer up. 

"We are actively working to make sure that our communication as a team is better," Pulce said. 

Atlas was fined $50 and Cardinal Direction $100 according to a press release. 
