2 SGA slates violated codes, fined

Atlas and Cardinal Direction have each violated the elections code and have been fined, according to a press release from the election board.

The board met late Thursday night, the same night as the vice presidential debate, to discuss code violations.

Atlas and Cardinal Direction each violated Article 6, Section 2, Part D which states, “Candidates may begin campaigning upon the close of the Nomination Convention and shall end upon the conclusion of the election.”

Cardinal Direction violated Section 4, Article 6, part A-2 which states, “Posters no larger than 14” x 22” will be allowed in classrooms and hallways only on available bulletin boards. If the available bulletin board requires permission from the department chair, written permission must be submitted to the Board.”

Cardinal Direction was fined a total of $100 and Atlas $50 according to the press release.

“No one enjoys calling each slate and letting them know they have a fine, but at the end of the day we must uphold the elections code,” Election Board Chair Zach Huffman said in the statement.

The last two SGA elections have seen maximum fines and election code loopholes. SGA amended the elections code last spring and this past fall.
