Presidential candidates talk SGA, leadership

Who is someone you admire as a leader and why?

Jacob Cash: "The one person I admire most as a leader is my father. My dad is a pastor, so he leads a community of people. My entire life, he has given me the opportunity to not only grow in my faith, but also to witness the impact that one can make on others' lives as he has done in his community."

 Quintin Thompson: "I would say a leader that I admire is someone right here on campus. Carlos Mata is someone who is always committed to the groups and activities that he participates in. He puts everything he has into what he does. I also appreciate that he continuously works for the betterment of all students from every background."

Jack Hesser: "A leader I truly admire is Jennifer Jones-Hall. In working with her throughout my time in Student Government, I have been able see her passion and drive for Ball State students in everything that she does. I look up to her a role model and hope to able to show my passion for this amazing university the way she does."

The three presidential candidates for the Student Government Association will face off against one another Thursday at the final debate of the election season.

At the full slate debate Tuesday, 371 people were in attendance: a record-breaking number, according to a press release from the elections board.

Slips of paper were given to the attendees to write down which slate they would vote for and why. According to the release, however, those results will not be released due to unfair distribution.

Jennifer Jones-Hall said campaign managers had grabbed more than one slip each when voting.

"Ethics are so important to us in these elections," Jones-Hall said. "Let's remember that as we proceed through the election."

The Presidential Candidates

Jacob Cash, president from Cardinal Direction said his peers describe him as a servant leader who leads by example.

“A true leader builds credibility and accountability through leading by example and never wavering in their word,” he said “This is the type of leader that I strive to be on a daily basis.”

He said SGA has given him the opportunity to implement change for Ball State students.

“One of the most rewarding components of being in SGA is to see the positive impact that it continually has on campus,” he said.

Jack Hesser, president of Atlas, said the most rewarding parts of SGA are the small victories senators fight for that do not become major campus issues.

“When you leave a meeting with an administrator and develop a new solution to an old problem, and the administrators decide to implement the changes regardless of legislation or countless readings in senate,” he said, “That’s when you know you are doing your job and making this campus better.”

Hesser said the most important aspects of leadership include communication, motivation and passion.

"What truly makes a successful leader, in my mind, is their ability to motivate and encourage those he or she leads," Hesser said.

Quintin Thompson, president of Momentum, said SGA has allowed him to meet many different people from campus. and it has been rewarding making positive changes on campus.

He said his leadership style is based on listening, problem-solving and building a consensus.

“I see an issue and I go straight for it. I don't dance around the issue,” he said. “I want to make plans that are equitable for everyone, even though building consensus is often difficult.”

The debate starts at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Arts and Journalism Building, room 175.
