Sex offenses, burglaries see rise in this year's campus security report

Forcible sex offense reports on Ball State's campus have more than doubled from eight in 2012 to 17 incidents last year, according to this year's campus security report released Wednesday.

The university is required to disclose information on campus security and crime every year to comply with the Clery Act.

Nine of the 17 incidents disclosed occurred in campus housing.

Burglary has also seen an increase. Last year, the report shows 13 cases, seven of which were in campus housing. There were 4 in campus housing and 9 total in 2012.

Aside from the increases, the university noted a more than 50 percent reduction in on-campus drug offenses.

This year's report also included new categories: Domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. According to the report, the Department of education regulations will not be finalized for these categories until November, but institutions were "requested to make a good faith effort to provide statistics."

Ball State did not list any incidents of hate crimes on the main campus or any crimes overall at the Indianapolis Center.


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