Student stabbed, hospitalized over weekend

A Ball State student stabbed outside a party late Saturday night is currently recovering from his wounds at Ball Memorial Hospital.

Cody Guarriello, an information systems major, alleges he was stabbed by Curtis James Altman, said Mike Rehfus, the Muncie Police Detective investigating the incident.

Altman was arrested later that night on the preliminary charge of aggravated battery. Aggravated battery can carry anywhere between 180 days in jail and a $1,000 fine to 3 years in prison depending on the severity of the attack, according to Indiana Code.

University Police are aiding in the investigation, university spokesperson Joan Todd said.

“We want to see the assailant brought to justice,” Todd said. “And at this point believe the prospects of that are good.”

Guarriello was stabbed in the gut by a 3-inch long hunting knife that missed hitting his heart by 2 inches, according to a Facebook post he made Sunday, looking to quell rumors. He said the knife cut into his liver, which led to surgery.

Guarriello declined to comment on the stabbing.

Guarriello was stabbed after an altercation began outside a party on West Abbott Street because the suspect and his two friends were refused from entering the party, Rehfus said. The party occurred at a private residence.

Rehfus said the suspects were stopped because they didn’t know any fraternity members present at the party to be let in and started arguing with people outside. Guarriello is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Todd said while there were fraternity members present at the event it was not a “fraternity party.” Sigma Alpha Epsilon is a dry chapter house and has had no disciplinary trouble this year, she said. 

“We will seek to confirm whether we have an accurate account, and take any appropriate next steps based on what we learn,” she said. “Right now, our thoughts are with the victim and we wish him a quick recovery.”

Ball State did not send out a text alert informing students of the incident because students were not in imminent danger and there was nothing students needed to do to remain safe, Todd said. 

*Editors note: The story originally reported Guarriello was a computer technician major as listed on his Facebook profile, the story has been changed to say he is an information systems major. 


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