Park Hall hosts mock parties to kick off Alcohol Awareness Week

Park Hall will host a simulation house party Monday, but students won't find any alcohol there.

This year is the second Campus Crawl, which will feature different scenarios of situations at parties to teach students about the risks of alcohol consumption and advice on how to react in certain situations.

The event will kick off campus's Alcohol Awareness Week.

The theme of Campus Crawl is #BSULifeline, based on the recently expanded Lifeline Law, which was approved by Indiana state legislators in the spring.

If a person is intoxicated and calls for help for someone else from police or medical responders, the law gives them some protection from getting into trouble for drinking in the first place. The law was expanded to include drug-related emergencies and sexual violence situations.

“Strengthening the Lifeline Law helps remove additional barriers that can prevent young people from calling 911 when help is needed,” said Indiana State Sen. Jim Merritt, author of the bill, in a press release.

For Ball State, Sarah Gremer, assistant director of housing and residence life, said the Campus Crawl is to raise additional awareness for students on alcohol consumption and prepare them for what behaviors and actions to observe at parties. 

“We’re all really excited. There will be four scenarios, in four different spots,” she said.

For each scenario, students will learn how to react in the different situations. The simulation parties will include music, dancing, food and prizes. Gremer said the Crawl will also address issues that arise at parties such as rape or abuse.

The event begins at 8 p.m. in Park Hall's Multipurpose Room.


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