SGA fails to pass budget, approves resolution

The parking lot between the Arts and Journalism and Applied Technologies buildings sits mostly empty while construction crews occupy half of it with equipment and offices. To make up for the space taken by construction, handicap spaces have moved to the main part of the parking lot. DN PHOTO JORDAN HUFFER
The parking lot between the Arts and Journalism and Applied Technologies buildings sits mostly empty while construction crews occupy half of it with equipment and offices. To make up for the space taken by construction, handicap spaces have moved to the main part of the parking lot. DN PHOTO JORDAN HUFFER


SGA accepted a new credentials board.

Lacey Blackwell, a freshman art and psychology major, was voted in as a new at-large senator. She said she plans for focus on diversity issues because she comes from a town with little diversity and enjoys discussing and learning about diversity.

A senate bill was read for the first time authored by Hesser which would allow senators to switch between at-large and off-campus caucuses.

The bill aims to help more students take part in senate allowing veteran senators to move around, opening space for new senators who often live on-campus and therefore ineligible to join the off-campus caucus.

A failure to pass the $101,188 Student Government Association budget caused the Senate to table the vote Sept. 3.

The final vote was 13 for approval, eight to reject and eight abstentions. For it to have passed, it would have needed a three-quarter majority.

Instead, the vote to approve the budget was tabled until next week's senate meeting to allow senators to view the budget closely. This week's meeting was the first time senators were able to view the budget.

The final budget must be presented to senate by the third senate meeting according to the senate bylaws. Next week's meeting will be the senate's third meeting.

Sidney Staples, SGA treasurer, said he expected the budget to pass because it had been approved by the senate's finance committee Wednesday.

Zakary Weaver, off-campus caucus, said he voted down the budget because senate would only receive $500 for programs throughout the year. 

Jennifer Jones-Hall, SGA advisor, said she thinks tabling the budget is a good move. 

"I'm glad they tabled it to review it and ask good questions," she said.

The Senate will vote on the budget next week after senators have time to review the details and possibly make changes.

Beyond tabling the budget, the Student Government Senate also unanimously passed a resolution asking the Career Center to allow students to access work referral slips online.

Referral slips are required for students looking for employment through the university. Currently students have to go to the Career Center to get the slip.

Jack Hesser, senate on-campus caucus chair, authored the resolution and said it was to help students who are away from campus, such as during summer break, to attain employment through the university ahead of the start of classes.

Hesser said the issue came directly from his constituents.

“It’s our job to write legislation that helps our constituents,” he said simply.

Jim McAtee, Career Center director, said he is always happy to work with students to make their lives easier.

“Everyone here in the Career Center comes to work everyday to help students,” he said.

Although the resolution is aimed to help students who can’t make it to campus to get a referral slip, it will still apply to all students.

Last year the Career Center had 29,000 interactions with more than 10,000 students, McAtee said.

The passage of the resolution doesn’t necessarily mean referrals will move online, it simply brings the issue to the attention of faculty and staff. However, McAtee said he has spoken with Hesser and agrees the resolution is a good idea. He plans to work on the issue after tackling some more pressing issues like the annual Career Fair which takes place Sept. 17.

Hesser encouraged all students to contact a senator if they have an idea or issue they want SGA to be aware of.


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