Art and Journalism parking changed to accessible

The parking lot between the Arts and Journalism and Applied Technologies buildings sits mostly empty while construction crews occupy half of it with equipment and offices. To make up for the space taken by construction, handicap spaces have moved to the main part of the parking lot. DN PHOTO JORDAN HUFFER
The parking lot between the Arts and Journalism and Applied Technologies buildings sits mostly empty while construction crews occupy half of it with equipment and offices. To make up for the space taken by construction, handicap spaces have moved to the main part of the parking lot. DN PHOTO JORDAN HUFFER

Accessible parking spots behind the Art and Journalism building have increased this semester due to construction in the area.

Joan Todd, executive director of public relations, said accessible parking spaces on the west and north sides of the Applied Technology building are out of commission due to the renovations. 

The formerly unrestricted spots behind the Art and Journalism building have been converted to accessible spaces to compensate.

Todd said all parking spaces will return to their normal designations once the construction on Applied Technology is finished. The anticipated completion date is in December 2015.

Larry Markle, Director of Disability Services, said he doesn’t receive many complaints from students with disabilities about parking or accessibility.

Although Disability Services does not deal primarily with parking, they do work with Parking Services occasionally to help students.

Markle said students who complain about the number of accessible parking spaces should avoid being so quick to judge.

“A lot of people who have disability parking [may] have disabilities that are not apparent,” Todd said.


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