Ball State begins summer construction

<p><strong>Construction</strong> of the new Charles W. Brown Planetarium is projected to finish by Oct. 1. The addition to the Cooper Science Complex will have its projection equipment installed, which costs the university about $2.5 million to $3 million. The old facility was open for 46 years for 400,000 visitors, according to Ball State. DN PHOTO BREANNA DAUGHERTY</p>

Construction of the new Charles W. Brown Planetarium is projected to finish by Oct. 1. The addition to the Cooper Science Complex will have its projection equipment installed, which costs the university about $2.5 million to $3 million. The old facility was open for 46 years for 400,000 visitors, according to Ball State. DN PHOTO BREANNA DAUGHERTY

By the numbers

10 major projects

underway for summer construction

$64 million and $77 million

cost of this summer’s construction

90 days

the university has approximately for summer construction

Source: Jim Lowe, director of engineering and construction operations

Summer is the season of change for Ball State’s campus with a price tag between $64 million and $77 million.

The university will see more than 10 major construction and renovation projects over the next few months.

Summer, the 90 days between graduation May 3 and move-in times Aug. 10, is the small window of opportunity Ball State gets for constructing its major projects, said Jim Lowe, director of engineering and construction operations.

“This is the time we can get in and do the projects we want to without inconveniencing students or faculty,” he said.

Lowe said the university is always in the process of maintaining and upgrading to its facilities.

Summer will always be a time for construction, Lowe said, because of the work needed to maintain campus grounds.

How busy Ball State is with summer construction could vary in the future. Right now, the current project loads and costs are in line with the past five to 10 years, Lowe said.

Building renovations and construction

Johnson A Complex’s renovation will be completed in time for the upcoming academic year. The project will cost between $28 million and $38 million.

The new Charles W. Brown Planetarium will have its projection equipment installed and will still open Oct. 1. It has cost about $2.5 million to $3 million.

The geothermal project will complete the last component of its drilling portion, which has cost about $6 million to $6.5 million.

The geothermal chill plant, how Ball State receives its cold and hot water and manages cooling, will undergo construction over the summer. This project costs about $11 million.

Overall, the geothermal plant is on track for completion in early spring 2016.

Renovations for the Applied Technology Building are expected to begin in June and cost $10 million.

The university wrapped up the Dr. Joe and Alice Rinard Orchid Greenhouse. This summer, it will be filled with the necessary internal components, which will cost $1 million.

General rehabilitation and renovation

General repair and rehab projects focus on maintaining the current facilities on campus. These repairs are estimated to cost between $2 million to $3 million.

They will include work to the John R. Emens Auditorium Parking Structure and driveway, the L.A. Pittenger Student Center northeast entrance and parking garage and Shafer Tower.

Emens Parking Structure construction will begin June 23 and is set to finish July 30. The first and second floors will remain open during the repairs of the third floor, however, 40 parking spaces will be closed. The southeast one-way drive will be closed from June 27 until July 30.

Repairs on the Student Center garage and northeast entrance began May 5. The parking garage will remain open, though 30 parking spaces will be closed. The work is predicted to finish June 20. The northeast entrance will be closed and reopen Aug. 8.

Shafer Tower’s repairs also began May 5 and are planned to finish Aug. 8. Repairs will close the sidewalks and seating areas at the base of the tower.

Athletic renovations

The football meeting room will undergo renovations. It is located on the west end of football training facility. 

The baseball and softball fields will begin phase one of renovations — about $1.1 million to $1.5 million and will include in-field turf and dug out construction.


Over the course of the summer, the university will repair about 13 elevators in LaFollette Complex, Bracken Library and West Quad, costing about $1 million.

Renovations include replacing motors, cables, control panels and other elevator safety or technical components. Lowe said Ball State could do more next summer. 

The library elevators began renovations Tuesday and are predicted to open Aug. 1.

The West Quad elevator underwent renovations Friday and was expected to finish by 6 tonight.

Editor's note: In an earlier version of this article, it was reported that the Applied Technology Building will finish renovations this summer that cost $10 million. While the renovations are expected to cost $10 million, they do not start until June. It also was reported that the football meeting room will undergo renovations for $1.5 million to $2 million. This is incorrect; it is the new coaching building that will cost $1.5 to $2 million for a building that will include an auditorium, meeting spaces, coach offices and a trophy room. The Daily News regrets these errors.


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